The characters in Hexen II are divided into 3 categories:

1. Overall balanced
2. Ultimate weapon dependent
3. Shifting

The first category has more or less balanced weapons and can
wage war rather well with any means available at any point of time.
Despite that, such characters might have occasional survival problems, since they are more dependent on mana.

The 2nd category has some sort of serious flaw in 2nd, third or
both weapons - and is generally in a desperate need to get the
ultimate weapon to even the odds. The gameplay tactics for these
characters are much more established and straightforward.

The 3rd category means that the character will start as balanced,
but as the game progresses will constantly shift between categories. The gameplay tactics are most unique and unpredictable in this category.



    Also, besides the experience points that all characters get from killing
    enemies, some characters can benefit directly from enemies' deaths -
    making enemies leave some sort of bonus upon their death.
    This however, is only possible for characters whose abilities
    include getting such advantages.




category: balanced      

Paladin is strong...umm...not really. Paladin is the weakest (combat-wise) character in the game. True, he can take a few hits, but that's about it. While his weapons are reliable, and some are even inexpensive, mana-wise speaking, - they all are also weak, and deliver damage rather slowly. An issue that in the later episodes can get you killed. The Purifier, - Paladin's ultimate weapon, is fast - but demands an unfair mana price for its weakling puny projectiles. And yet, as crazy as it sounds - you will need it for its fire-rate.

Also, just as curious is the fact that his 3rd weapon is NOT
stronger than the 2nd. And that will plunge you into all sorts of mana shifts of unexpected kind, making you dependent on this or that weapon. Cutting through Werejaguars with an axe can be mana-expensive and scorpions mandate axe's projectile range leaving you with very little options to choose your strategies from.

Alas, he cannot benefit from enemies' deaths and that can be
a disappointment in harder standoffs.
And his abilities are completely useless...

Fortunately Paladin has the best use of the Glyphs,
which will help him anytime. Not as fun as the other characters, - but still pretty cool. After all, 4 playable heroes are better than 3!


category: shifting

Crusader is perhaps the most balanced of all characters, even though
he comes with a heavy flaw of his 2nd weapon becoming nearly useless
toward the 2nd episode.
Yes, - the Ice Staff will become increasingly weak as the game progresses, and will throw you more often than you think at the mercy of your green-mana based weapon. Additionally, Crusader has a very weak use of the Glyphs.

Having that off the table - the rest is only advantages that
Crusader has over almost any other character:

- benefits directly from enemies deaths
- best 3rd weapon in the game
- can heal himself
- reliable 1st weapon
- well powered ultimate weapon

- good armor class

the further you advance, the more you will be inclined to use the
Lightbringer, along the rocket-launcher-like Meteor Staff, and that is a good decision always, although since both feed on the green mana - you'll need to plan your battles carefully, so that you don't end up with the useless blue mana. With all that said, tomed-up version of the Ice Staff is actually very powerful, as well as it has great range. It will serve you well even in the final episodes, since it can clear an entire room of even the most powerful enemies.


category: ultimate weapon dependant.

Assassin, in fact, is sort of fun to play, - as soon as you reach the 2nd
episode, and get the grenades - then the Hexen2-party begins:
grenades are tricky to use, but you must learn to use them - because
the Assassin is heavily dependent on their destructive might, until the
Scarab Staff falls into her hands, of course.

With that neat little staff she can kill ANYBODY and spend
almost no mana at all!!! The Staff literally rips everything to shreds and cancels enemies from existence virtually for free. It is almost like a cheat! And her ability to charge the Scarab Staff can make mince meat even of a toughs like a Skull Wizard in no time!

The only exception being the Medusa, since this epic monster
requires special approach.

With all that, her crossbow is only going to serve you during the 1st
episode, since immediately after it - it scales down dramatically, becoming increasingly useless. Even the most basic spiders will be quite expensive to kill with the crossbow, compared to just 1 shot of Scarab  Staff which takes only 1 point of mana!

On the other hand, she has a moderate use of the Glyphs, which can
work for some neat traps - but rather weak first weapon, completely
useless abilities and (alas) she cannot benefit from enemies deaths.
That of course does not hinder her rule over all episodes after the 2nd,
but somewhat diminishes the gameplay fun-factor.


category: ultimate weapon dependant

Demoness is a strange character, she has no melee weapon and her 2nd
and 3rd weapons are a lame knock-off from Hexen-1.

with that said, not only her 2nd and 3rd weapons are a lame knock off,
they are also quite useless. After the 2nd episode begins - they will
down-scale and become so weak, that you'll have to waste tons of mana just to kill anybody. And like it or not, but that you will have to do - because somehow you have to get to her ultimate Tempest Staff, which changes the picture dramatically.

Fortunately, unlike the Assassin - Demoness has a great first weapon,
which will serve you very well through an entire game! Actually it is the best first weapon in Hexen-2! Because it is a ranged weapon, that costs no mana at all! It will help you greatly through the 1st episode, will be invaluable against the Werejaguars, and even save mana in the battle versus Mummy Lords.

Her Acid Rune is just as weak as the Assassin's crossbow,
albeit it is faster and has better range, still versus anybody
else but the knight archers - it is a total waste.

The Firestorm doesn't go far from it, - despite it's fancy and
quite strong powered attack; in the normal state it is very weak,
and will take you dozens of mana to get rid of any enemy who is
above cannon fodder.
The post-burn damage , should you choose to take advantage of it,
will make you run for cover all the time and using repulsion discs
to save your ass.....not too good, but will have to do - until you get
your hands on the Tempest Staff.

And when you do - then you can relax and watch the battlefields
bow to your wrath. It is not cheap, mana-wise, but it is
the most effective and in fact most economical way to get rid of
anybody you will face as Demoness.
Alternating between her first weapon and the ultimate one - you'll
carve a perfectly balanced path of destruction through Hexen-2.

It takes 3 hits to get rid of a mummy lord, which equals 18 of both mana.
Yes, it is very expensive compared to Assassin or even Crusader,
but compared to other weapons of Demoness, it is dirt-cheap.

You will, in fact use the Staff on anybody that it is not
wise to fight with the 1st weapon alone.
And vise versa, you will fight with the 1st weapon when it makes sense.
You'll find that it is about 60-40 or 70-30 in favor of the Tempest Staff,
which is alright.
In the Greek episode, of course, - the odds will shift toward 90-10 or
80-20 in favor of the Tempest Staff.

Last to say, Demoness unfortunately cannot benefit from enemies
deaths and has no useful abilities. Her masochistic mana skill although can give you some mana here and there, but we generally prefer to get hit as little as possible - so you should dismiss the idea of ever resorting to it.
Demoness is very weak physically, even weaker than the Assassin.
All it takes is 2-3 well placed hits - and she is history. So watch it.


category: balanced

The only problem with the Necromancer - is that his ultimate weapon is shamefully weak, and expensive for all its uselessness. If you try to use it, you'll be running out of mana before you know it, - while the monsters you fire upon, - will stand and laugh at ya. But, if you forego this nuisance, then you are to discover that Necromancer is indeed a well-balanced power character.

He benefits the best from enemies deaths, can harvest health from monsters with his sickle and his 2nd and 3rd weapons are very effective and never scale down, even as the game progresses very far.

With that, i must say that his weapons are a little more expensive than those of other characters - except maybe Demoness, but unlike Demoness, Assassin or Crusader - Necromancer's weapons are powerful, and they never drop in effectiveness nor in strength. Watch your mana counters when having your weapons powered up - it takes quite a bit of a cost to it.

All in all - the Necromancer is more than well equipped to deal with anybody - he can destroy any enemy, with any weapon, at any chapter of the game, - and be lightning fast while at it; as long you have mana, that is. His free weapon will only do good in specific situations, but be sure to use it whenever possible - so find all such moments in the game.

Last to say, - Necromancer has pretty good use of the Glyphs,
so you are all armed and ready!